Before and After

Courtesy of two of my clever sons:




And during:



And after:


It is amazing how much has to be taken apart to install a new “head”. Now I have much better sounds, Bluetooth and all kinds of crazy features!

Thanks guys!

Halloween Dance

She had a great time, got EXHAUSTED, and had to leave one song before the end. She has cried about that problem off and on since then. I keep trying to get her to focus on what a great time she had, but I guess she’ll have to finish mourning first, since I have had NO SUCCESS with that.

Twirling Girl


Shake it up Baby!


Happy or what?!

Grapes and Gross-ness or 5 Minutes at Snack Time

Natalie wants a snack.  Not tons of choices as there aren’t many things she’ll eat. It’s 8:00 – too late to make pizza, too late to go anywhere.  My suggestions include ramen, ice cream, black olives, bologna: all things she’s eaten in the past.  Her answer to each is a dreamy “noo-ooo-oooooo-ooo-oooo.”  So I offer grapes, and get a “YES!” She gets the grapes out, I wash them and put them on her favorite (yellow) plate.  Anything to make eating easier!

“I don’t like the peels.”

“I don’t peel grapes.”

(But I peel a grape. She looks at it.)

I don’t want to try that.”

This one looks like a person.  It’s freakin’ me out. See?  That’s the nose. It’s grossing me out. I don’t want to be anywhere near these grapes.

I’ve tried every single thing about eating these grapes but it’s not working.”

She really really REALLY REALLY wanted to eat.

Crying. “I can’t do anything.”

I change her sweaty shirt for her and say: “Yes you can!  You can ride your bike! And you can laugh and dance and sing!”

She laughs.

and now I can dance and sing.  =D